Hedge-on $METIS

The most fundamental, important, and basic value proposition of $PEAK is having exposure to $METIS price movements.

It is always up to the individual to weigh the risks of entering an algo-peg token that applies a scaling taxation schedule.

While some may despair at the state of the peg at any given time, the deviation from 1:1 with $METIS is inherently a discount on $METIS that can be redeemed in the future.

If you view $METIS as an attractive long-term investment, putting aside a percentage of your $METIS portfolio to enter $PEAK is sensible to mitigate your $US dollar cost per $METIS.

For example, at a peg of 0.5 $METIS: 1 $PEAK, you can pick up $METIS that can be redeemed once the peg is restored for a 50% discount on market value.

When an investor decides to move on, $PEAK should be contingent on the state of $METIS price action. If $METIS is $20, then $PEAK is $10. In $US dollar terms, $PEAK is a sensible investment, and while many may fret at the presence of a tax, it is a powerful mechanic to protect your investment with $PEAK.

$METIS will continue to do what it does in terms of price action, and $PEAK will follow.

Investors should strategize the % of their $METIS holdings they would have in $PEAK.

The best scenario is that you bring down the average $US dollar cost of $METIS. As is the case with currency, its value is based on universal acceptance of value. Through participation, $PEAK can be a viable investment instrument for future success.

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